Glassfish version 3.1.2: Secure Admin must be enabled to access the DAS remotely.


Firstly, I only install the new Glassfish 3.1.2 only in my laptop and access the administration module locally by using “localhost:4048”. When I install it on the development server and try to access it remotely, by using “http:/my_host:port”. It shows me an error as cannot login with the message as

Secure Admin must be enabled to access the DAS remotely.

The Investigation

I’ve found the nice solution form stack overflow here.

The solution

It’s simple by activate the secure admin by using the following command line: –

asadmin --host [host] --port [port] enable-secure-admin

The host is the host name or IP address for the Glassfish Server which we need to enable the secure admin.

The port is the target Glassfish Server port which wee need to enable the secure admin.


Please take a big note as the following: –

  1. The target Glassfish Server which is the port owner is started before executing the above command.
  2. After executing, the target Glassfish Server need to be restarted for taking effect.


If we would like to disable the secure admin, it can be done easily as the following: –

asadmin --host [host] --port [port] disable-secure-admin

About Charlee Chitsuk

I've been working as a software developer since 1998. At the moment I focus on system integration including with SOA and Enterprise Security Solution.

Posted on March 23, 2012, in Glassfish Server, Java EE, JavaEE Server, Security and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Thank you it works ,

    in order to avoid confusion this command will execute on glassfish folder here are steps for beginners.

    Step-1 go to command prompt
    Step-2 go to glasfish directory where asadmin.bat file exists
    Step-3 asadmin –host myhost –port 4848 enable-secure-admin

  2. I haven’t done a whole lot of Glassfish administration (mostly just Tomcat)… thanks so much for posting Charlee, very helpful stuff.

  3. create new domain on my exsisting glassfish .
    I am able to open with my new port and new admin user but it shows blank page.can i know why

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